
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3...

Alright, setting everything up before we actually get to posting up some of the stories...
Just a note on how this will be done:
We play whatever we're in the mood for, so you'll see posts that will be alternating between different story settings. Since there are multiple people playing, trying to keep chronological order in play sometimes gets a little tricky. We have done our best to organize the posts by a certain story's chronological order. If, however, something was played in a previous time period (such as a flash back, or a 'how they met' sort of scenario) we will make note of it so that it will be easier to follow.
Enjoying a certain storyline the most? Let us know! We have a fair amount of material for a lot of these stories, and we might be inspired to play more on those tales you guys are wanting to read most. We will also put up in the header which world a scene takes place in, so if you have no interest in a certain story arc, you can always just skip reading those posts, or conversely, you can specifically follow along a certain story as it unfolds. 

This is a new venture for all of us, (by 'this' I mean the Blog-style presentation),  so we're happy to get your feedback. Should we post more often, less often? In a different format or a different presentation style? Let us know! After all, we've read it all in the writing process; we're posting it up because there have been some requests to read more of our writing... So, here it is!

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