
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Brief Flash (Wayward Saga)

Ira: Hide? *looks around and then down at the guard, and then grins darkly* Hold on, I got an idea! *sinks into the body at his feet and stands the guard up, shifting his bulk around to get a natural movement going and opens the eyes to look at Lisette* You're glowing, babe... *the guard's voice pouring out of him* Now, when they come, I'll say I found you Uh... *grabs her hand with the guard's hand and puts on a gruff act* Come with me, little missy!

Lisette: *cringes as Ira dons the guard like a suit, but plays along* I hope you know what you're doing. If things start to go sideways, I'd advise you to close your eyes and plug your ears... or his eyes and ears. Whatever. Until then, I'll play along as best I can. Maybe we can find something out. *gets a worried look, part of act, struggling just a little to make it realistic*

Ira: *strides forward, hauling her a little roughly and rounds the corner* There you are! *calls out to another guard* Geeze, what took you so long? *waits a little unsurely as the other guard pauses and then steps closer*

Guard#2: What the hell is this? Who's she?

Lisette: Let go of me!

Ira: You shut up! *at Lisette, peering out through the murk of the guard's dead eyes* How the hell should I know? I found her wandering around in the crates. What do you think I should do with her? *trying to keep it casual-ish, as if he'd known this guy a while and was making banter*

Guard#2: Aw, whatever. Just take her back to Barracks and hand her over to Relay, as per usual. What the hell happened to your throat, man? *comes a bit closer but Ira waves him off*

Lisette: *struggles in vain, not actually trying to free herself from Ira's grasp, just playing like she is* Let me go! I didn't do anything! *starts to glow a bit brighter* You're not taking me anywhere! *waits until the second gaurd gets closer then, breaks free from Ira's grasp and explodes in a blinding flash, though she manages to stiffle the bang as much as possible*

Ira: *throws up the dead guards arms to shield himself from the blast and is physically knocked out of his corpse, to land in a skidding heap behind the body. Shakes himself and stands up, looking around for the other guard, as the body he was in crumples to the ground* Lisette? Aw, shit...

Lisette: *nothing is left of Lisette except the motes of light that are scattered everywhere. They do start to drift back to her original detonation spot however. The other guard is left clawing at his eyes, trying to regain vision. He's suitably distracted though.*

Ira: *sees the motes, doesn't quite understand, but leaps full on at the stunned guard, sucking into him instantly on contact and wires himself into his brain* "nighty night time..." * and shuts the guard's mind down, unconsciousness dropping the body before ira crawls out* Okay...Lisette?

Lisette: *the motes start to gather faster and in a moment, Lisette stands there wide eyed* Umm... is everything okay? *never know how long she's "gone" for when she explodes*


Garret: *nods along with Taryn's life story, sadly* Sounds pretty rough. *sighs* My life hasn't been much better. I was an only child, my parents are gone now. *frowns* I interact with a lot of people in my job, but I don't have many "friends" really. I've always been more of a loner I guess. Not many people are missing me, that's for sure.

Taryn: So...why are you in such a rush to get back to all that? Maybe this is a gift for you? A chance to start fresh? To do something else with your life? I'm sure you can fly a helicopter here just as well as back there.... *fidgets with the cuffs of Ira's coat a bit*

Garret: *quirks his brow, thinking for a second* I don't rightly know. Must me the brain damage. *manages to hold a straight face for a moment before cracking up* Seriously, I think I just want to get back to something familiar. Starting fresh is fine, but I'd just like to know where I'm trying to start from. *looks to Taryn* Any helicopter pilots needed where you're from?

Taryn: *grins at him* Hey, I know some people... We could use another news'copter. The guy we've been using lately is double-timing it with the weather folk, so he's not as efficient as we'd like. If you're interested in chasing police pursuits and tracking down stories, we could use you. It'd be nice to have a proper team again. After Jack left to move into t.v. filming, and Gary started working for the weather channel...well, my articles are only so good as the pictures I can get to go with them. *glances at him sidelong again*

Garret: You don't say? *nods* It beats flying tourists around I guess. Though I'd miss the wildneress and working with the parks department in winter, tracking avalanche risk. *shrugs* When we get out of here and get me all fixed up, we'll see what happens. *looks at Taryn, his stomach a little butterfly infested* If by then you're not sick of seeing me. *grins*

Taryn: We'll see, indeed. If you can handle working with me on a daily basis! *laughs and then sits up* Hey, did you see a flash over that way? *points across the containers* You think there's trouble? *shifts herself upright, places her feet on the ground, and they scale up again instantly*

Garret: I think I could handle it. *smiles* I could think of a thousand things or more that would be less pleasant. Like never seeing you again after this. *startles at the flash* What the hell!? *has no idea what Lisette's explosion looks like, since he was unconscious last time* You don't think...? *tries to climb to his feet, but wobbles at the sudden movement*

Taryn: Garret, don't push yourself! I'm gonna have a look... *in her concern, strips off the coat and shirt-skirt without a second thought and blinks into camoflauge; then speeds towards the location of the explosion, keeping herself blended and to the walls, heading towards the flash as fast as she can*

Garret: *was about to protest until Taryn stripped, then the words got stuck in his throat and he slumped back to a seated position* Ummm... alright... *it was only for a split second, and scales were already forming, but the image is still burned into Garret's mind* Beautiful... *he managed to stammer after she was gone*

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